Saturday, November 7, 2009

All men have one entrance into life. . .

It is human nature to aspire to fantastic things. We are all capable of vaulting the numerous obstacles that clutch at our ankles and drag us back down to earth. In the end, few truly achieve their life's dream. All it takes is that first step.

It came to my attention recently, under the title of "American Shaolin" that training at the Shaolin Temple is not just something reserved to heroic men in B kungfu movies. Nor is it reserved to zen buddhists, the Chinese, or purely men. I was estatic to find out all this. As a practitioner of martial arts I, like all other martial artists, am constantly looking to improve my style. Nevermind the opportunity for a spiritual retreat like no other. It is my Jerusalem, my Ganges, my Mecca. A place to which I must make pilgrimage.

Of course, I understand that it won't be easy. The fee is $375 per month, not including the niceties of edible food, bus and taxi fare, much less a planet ticket. In total, it would cost at least $5500. I have not a cent to my name that is not currently being dedicated to college tuition.

Further, despite my martial arts, I understand that I am weak and that, as a woman, I am all the more at an advantage. I will begin weighted training in two weeks. Today I will begin speed training, as I hear it is a very large part of Shaolin drills.

This is a memoir of my desire to overcome all obstacles to do something amazing and, with luck and determination, the memoirs of my time training there.

I give myself two years to complete my training and saving, at which time I will be twenty-one. The race is on.

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